Youth & Young Adult Innovation Cohort

Applications for the 2024-25 Cohort are closed. Please contact us if you are interested in future cohorts.

The goal of this initiative is to create a cohort of people engaging in innovative work among youth, young adults, and their families. Participants can be from local congregations, camp & retreat centers, college ministries, or other United Methodist related organizations that focus on directly serving the target population.

Participants will be organized as a cohort with opportunities for regular interaction, support, and idea sharing.

Results from each project will be shared through “Lessons Learned” and “Best Practices” resources that we be made available to other interested organizations and future Boulder Spirit projects.

Grants of up to $5000 per project will be available to participants and managed through Boulder Spirit. Additional funds will also be available for additional support as needs are identified. These might include support for branding and content development, marketing, and outreach.

Focus Area

The focus area of the initial innovation cohort will be on innovation in connecting to and with youth and young adults. We will be exploring how ministries can connect in new ways with youth/young adults as well as deepen connections between them. This will no doubt require the utilization of new digital tools as well as traditional relationship development techniques. The goal is to craft intentional engagement strategies that fit the local conditions and context.

It is not expected that cohort participants have any specific technical knowledge, just a willingness to explore and learn.


  • Cohort begins November 2024

  • Monthly Zoom Check-ins, Second Monday of each month at 7pm

  • Spring in-person gathering, location TBD

  • Conclude December 2025