Project fund

The Project Fund is the fund we use to pay for expenses directly related to our projects aimed at serving youth, young adults, and their families. This is not an endowment, but represents the money we have received to facilitate the work of our projects. We do not typically pay for overhead expenses from this fund, but focus on items related to the work of one of our projects.

Gifts to this fund can be made in general and will support all our projects. Or, gifts can be given to support a specific project. When making a gift please pay close attention to the selection you make as to where your gift goes and ensure it matches your wishes.

Gifts to this fund typically are subject to a 10% deduction that is put into our Lasting Impact Fund. This covers the costs associated with processing and handling the gift, and ensures the Endowment Fund continues to grow to support its part of our important work. This deduction can be declined by the donor if they choose.

Lasting impact Endowment fund

The Lasting Impact Endowment Fund represents the proceeds of the sale of the Camp on the Boulder property and subsequent designated donations. This fund is invested with the Methodists Helping Methodist Foundation which itself works with Wespath Benefits & Investments. It is ethically invested in a sustainable mix of stocks and bonds. Our Foundation takes an annual distribution based on industry standard practices for sustainable investment.

Proceeds from this fund cover the overhead expenses of the foundation including salary for our staff and the costs associated with the services we offer our project teams. Any funds drawn above our overhead requirements are put into the Project Fund outlined above.

Gifts made to the Endowment Fund will make an impact now and for decades to come. This fund is the foundation all the work we do is based on. Keeping this fund healthy and growing ensures that current and future projects will have the resources they need to be successful in reaching youth, young adults, and their families with the good news of Jesus Christ.